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CityLab, Opernlabor, Tanzlabore

Develop a new piece together and perform on stage!

In the participatory piece development projects, a new piece is developed over the course of a year, based on a production of the Vienna State Opera and combined with participants' own ideas. The piece is then performed with live music in front of an audience. Throughout a season, the newly founded community ensemble regularly works with professionals from the Vienna State Opera. Using various artistic and creative approaches, they develop new music, stories, roles, dramaturgy, and choreography. The piece development projects are free of charge, and everyone is welcome!

In the 2024/2025 season, the following projects will be offered:

CITYLAB for ages 12-99
Intergenerational participatory project at the Vienna State Opera and the NEST
»Freier Fall«

TANZLABOR for ages 15-24
Participatory dance project at the NEST and the Kulturhaus Brotfabrik
»The Grand Finale«

OPERNLABOR for ages 14-24
Participatory music theater project at the NEST and the Kulturhaus Brotfabrik

Photo from »Alles und Nichts« – a performance of the Tanzlabor