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Please note that registration for the individual events is required. 

Friends of the Circle of Friends Vienna State Ballet will be informed in good time about the respective dates and registration options. 


Events of the Circle of Friends of the Vienna State Ballet

Friends of the Vienna State Ballet have the opportunity to experience world-class dance art from close range. We organize artist talks, rehearsal visits, movement classes and other interesting events or insights behind the scenes. Depending on the membership level, invitations to premiere parties and receptions of the direction are also part of the program.

Get to know the artists of the Vienna State Ballet and other interesting personalities and guests better at exciting artist talks hosted by the dramaturges of the Vienna State Ballet. Or gain insights into a new program before a premiere in our introductory matinees – free of charge for friends of the Vienna State Ballet, of course.

Be part of the moment when new productions of the Vienna State Ballet see the light of day: When you visit one of the final rehearsals on the stage of the Vienna State Opera or Vienna Volksoper, you will see for yourself how they are put the finishing touches – even before they are presented to the public.

Would you like to dance yourself for once? Then the Movement Classes for Friends of the Vienna State Ballet are just the thing for you. Take the opportunity and experience ballet on your own, guided by members of the company. The focus is on joy, togetherness and engagement with space, music and the other person! Previous experience is not required.

Once a season, the workshops of Art for Art open their doors to friends of the Vienna State Ballet. Dive into the work on a stage set in the impressive production halls in the Arsenal or look over the shoulders of the costume masters as they make the costumes in the costume workshops in the Hanuschhof.

A truly exclusive insight into the everyday life of the Vienna State Ballet: look over the shoulders of our artistic team as they work with the dancers.

Join the dancers and the Creative Team in celebrating when the tension subsides after a successful premiere and experience a very special evening with the Vienna State Ballet.

Chat with Martin Schläpfer and his team about the vision and future of the Vienna State Ballet at an exclusive event in an intimate setting.

* from silver level on

** from gold level on

*** from platinum level on