2020-21 Season

Presentation of the 2020-21 Season

The 2020-21 season was presented on ORF III on April 26. The programme is available worldwide and free of charge on ORF-TVTHEK until 3 May.

In addition, the programme is also available on the classical music platform FIDELIO.

Season program / Program book

Find the complete program for the 2020-21 season online.

The printed season book can now be ordered here.

The 2020-21 season

Ordering tickets

Ticket orders for all performances, subscriptions and cycles are possible as of now.

Tickets orders will be processed on a first come-first served basis, subject to availability. You will receive your reservation confirmation after processing.

Please use the order form in all cases, otherwise we cannot process your order. You have the following options:

    The order form is available here for you to fill in and send online or download - daily and around the clock.

    You can also place your order via Culturall Webshop here.

    The order form is here available for download and print.

    Please send your completed order form by email, post or fax:

    -  by e-mail: scanned order form to kartenvertrieb@wiener-staatsoper.at

    - by post: filled-in order form to
    Wiener Staatsoper
    Service Center
    Opernring 2
    1010 Wien

    - by telefax: filled-in order from to +43 1 514442969

After processing your order successfully, we will send you a confirmation of your reservation.

Please understand that we can only process your orders with a completely filled out order form.

For further questions, please contact us by e-mail at information@wiener-staatsoper.at.