A new state opera
Saison 2024/2025 |

Theater is for everyone. This comes easily to the lips, sounds convincing, almost self-evident - how could it be otherwise? After all, this maxim is even enshrined in law in the case of the State Opera.

But is that really the case? Is it possible to appeal to all audience groups at the same time? Is that even possible in a daily international repertoire company like the Staatsoper? We make every effort to remove or lower any barriers and to open the opera house to everyone: with ticket prices that are lower than at the cinema; introductory events to make it easy for newcomers to get to the opera; offers for the U27 audience; outreach projects; touring operas for children or school cooperations. The Vienna State Opera is not just a temple for insiders, but for everyone. Even for those who don't know it yet or don't know it well - that is its mission.
And yet, in a house as notoriously busy as the Staatsoper, much of what theater people dream of cannot be realized. Not every form of theater is compatible with our constellation of stage and auditorium, not everything finds the necessary space in the dense repertoire schedule. Even the staterooms, our part-time intermission buffets, are now constantly busy with events and even performances for children...

On December 7, something will therefore take place that only a few years ago could only have been dreamed of at the State Opera: After a long time, a completely new theater will open in Vienna, specially designed and created for young audiences and families - the NEST.
Made possible by great patronage, it is a theater that can do almost anything. It is there for children, but also for teenagers and young adults. It invites families. You can actively participate or simply get a taste of the world of musical theater. You can discuss, dance, sing, listen, learn and be amazed. Many ideas that previously had no home can now finally unfold freely.

A time capsule was walled in at the laying of the foundation stone: Bogdan Roščić, Hans Peter Haselsteiner & Klemens Haselsteiner
The NEST already offers a full program in December. It opens in style with a children's opera premiere, the Vienna State Opera's opera school invites you to a Christmas concert and just a few days later, the Nesterval theater company conquers Wagner's Götterdämmerung. Workshops, discussions and other smaller formats are aimed at all interested parties.