Website imprint (as of 7.11.2024)
Media owner/publisher:
Wiener Staatsoper GmbH
Opernring 2
1010 Vienna
T +43 1 51444 2250
F +43 1 51444 2259
Registered office: Politische Gemeinde Wien
Company register number: FN 184018 s
Jurisdiction: Commercial Register Vienna
UID number: ATU 47318406
Object of the media owner/publisher: Promotion of national and international theater and stage art
Chamber affiliation: WKÖ, Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Fachverband und Fachgruppe der Kino- Kultur- und Vergnügungsbetriebe, Fachverband der Telekommunikations- und Rundfunkunternehmungen
Supervisory authorities according to Austrian E-Commerce Law (ECG): Magistrat Wien, RTR und KommAustria
Information on online dispute resolution: Consumers have the option of submitting complaints to the EU's online dispute resolution platform:
You can also address any complaints to
Tickets are sold by the ART for ART Theaterservice GmbH in the name and for the account of Wiener Staatsoper GmbH.
Authorized representative body and members of the Supervisory Board:
General Director: Director Dr. Bogdan Roščić
Financial Director: Dr. Petra Bohuslav
Supervisory Board:
- Mr. Christian Kircher - Chairman
- Mr. Andreas Treichl - Deputy Chairman
- Mrs. Elke Hesse
- Dr. Johannes Honsig-Erlenburg
- Dr. Clemens Jabloner
- Ms. Ruth Schuster
- Mr. Christoph Biebl - Chairman of the Works Council
- Mr. Hans-Peter Kammerer - Works Council
Shareholders: Wiener Staatsoper GmbH is wholly owned by Bundestheater Holding GmbH. Wiener Staatsoper GmbH holds a 16.30% stake in Art for Art Theaterservice GmbH.
Basic direction of the medium ("page line"): The website serves both to promote the company and to advertise the goods and services sold via the integrated online store.
Editorial department:
- Hemma Gritsch, MA
- Jakob Gellermann, MA
Texts (production texts, interviews):
- Dr. Andreas Láng
- Dr. Oliver Láng
- Nikolaus Stenitzer
- Sergio Morabito
- Anne Do Paco
- Nastasja Fischer
- Iris Frey
- Michael Pöhn (Vienna State Opera)
- Sofia Vargaiová (Vienna State Opera)
- Ashley Taylor (Vienna State Ballet)
UX Concept & Interface Design: Liechtenecker
Technical Implementation: Getdesigned