In the opera foyer of the Vienna State Opera you can enjoy a wide selection of drinks, food and snacks in our opera café, Café-Bar-Aperitivo.
The Café-Bar-Aperitivo is open daily from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm; on performance days the café remains open until 10.30 pm.
Like our intermission buffets, the Café-Bar-Aperitivo is run by our catering partner Gerstner.
The café is part of our visitor center - in addition to the café, the Bundestheater box offices for ticket sales.
Our interval buffets
For our regular evening performances, our interval buffets are also open upon admission. This means you can enjoy a drink or a snack before the performance begins.
If you would like to reserve a table with drinks and food for the interval, you can of course do so at the buffet of your choice or via the online reservation tool before the performance begins. This will save you waiting time during the interval and give you more time to enjoy it.
You will find our interval buffets in the Gustav Mahler Hall (from February 7th - 24th, the buffet will be in the annex of the Gustav Mahler Hall), Schwind Foyer, Marble Hall, by the gallery, in the box foyer and the parterre foyer.