
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Die Zauberflöte

Grosse Oper in zwei Aufzügen

Text Emanuel Schikaneder

Thursday 30. January 2025 19:00 – 22:15 One intermission Main Stage
Audience Introduction (in German)
30 Minutes before the performance starts
at the Gustav Mahler Hall

Cast on
30. January 2025

1. Geharnischter

2. Geharnischter

Musikalische Leitung

Bertrand de Billy * *instead of Franz Welser-Möst


Bühne & Video

Falko Herold


Eva Butzkies


Stefan Bolliger


Isabella Gregor


Marius Kob

Eren Karakuş


Christian Pfütze

4 more dates

Die Zauber­flöte

Cast on Friday 25. April 2025

Musikalische Leitung


Bühne & Video

Falko Herold


Eva Butzkies


Stefan Bolliger


Isabella Gregor


Marius Kob

Eren Karakuş


Christian Pfütze
Included in: Zyklus »Familie«
Zyklus »Familie«
Die Zauber­flöte

Cast on Monday 28. April 2025

Musikalische Leitung


Bühne & Video

Falko Herold


Eva Butzkies


Stefan Bolliger


Isabella Gregor


Marius Kob

Eren Karakuş


Christian Pfütze
Included in: Abo 14
Abo 14

Saison 2024/2025

Einen Wochentag und Lieblingsplätze wählen und fünf Vorstellungen in einer Saison genießen.

In diesem Abo sind folgende Vorstellungen enthalten:

16. September 2024: BALLETT: SCHWANENSEE
21. Oktober 2024: MACBETH
31. März 2025: IOLANTA
28. April 2025: DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE
26. Mai 2025: NORMA

Die Zauber­flöte

Cast on Friday 2. May 2025

Musikalische Leitung


Bühne & Video

Falko Herold


Eva Butzkies


Stefan Bolliger


Isabella Gregor


Marius Kob

Eren Karakuş


Christian Pfütze
Die Zauber­flöte

Cast on Monday 5. May 2025

Musikalische Leitung


Bühne & Video

Falko Herold


Eva Butzkies


Stefan Bolliger


Isabella Gregor


Marius Kob

Eren Karakuş


Christian Pfütze
Included in: Zyklus »Neuproduktionen«
Zyklus »Neuproduktionen«

Saison 2024/2025

Zu den für das Publikum zweifellos begehrtesten Aufführungen gehören die Vorstellungsserien der Premierenproduktionen. Die Aufmerksamkeit richtet sich gleichermaßen auf die szenischen wie musikalischen Neuinterpretationen von Schlüsselwerken der Musiktheaterliteratur.

29. September 2024: DON CARLO
16. Oktober 2024: FIN DE PARTIE (PREMIERE)
9. März 2025: NORMA
6. April 2025. IOLANTA
1. Juni 2025: TANNHÄUSER

Short Summary

The young Prince Tamino is commissioned by the Queen of the Night to rescue her daughter Pamina - with whom he falls in love at the sight of a portrait - from the hands of Sarastro.

Together with Papageno, he sets off on his journey. In the course of his undertaking, Tamino recognizes Sarastro's kindness. He passes several tests and, together with Pamina, is allowed to take Sarastro's place as a reward. Papageno also finds a suitable partner: Papagena.

Die Zauberflöte


The young Prince Tamino is pursued by a dangerous snake. At the last moment, three enigmatic ladies save the unconscious man and kill the snake.

when Tamino regains consciousness, he meets Papageno. The three ladies give Tamino a portrait of Pamina, the daughter of the Queen of the Night. The prince falls in love with the picture and promises the queen to free Pamina from the hands of Sarastro, who has stolen her away. Together with Papageno, he sets off on his journey: Tamino is given a magic flute and Papageno a glockenspiel to help him. Papageno, who has been sent ahead by Tamino, meets Pamina, who is being harassed by the slave Monostatos. Papageno puts Monostatos to flight and wins Pamina for Tamino. As they try to make their escape, they are surprised by Sarastro and his entourage.

Tamino recognizes Sarastro's kindness.

however, in order to become a fully-fledged member of his priesthood, he must - together with Papageno - pass several difficult tests. Tamino succeeds in mastering all the tests in an exemplary manner and, together with Pamina, is allowed to take Sarastro's place as a reward. Papageno, who was not so successful, is nevertheless given a partner to match him - Papagena.

Act 1 70 min
Intermission 30 min
Act 2 90 min

The Zauberflöte at the Vienna State Opera is characterized by Barbora Horáková's detailed, almost cinematic stage direction: The plot begins in a haunted house, which is discovered by the three boys. It is the dark but also magical world of the Queen of the Night into which the three boys are drawn and where Tamino also finds himself. The audience soon travels with the characters further and further into the real world - a coal cellar, a school class, a "gentlemen's club" where Sarastro tries to decide the future, Pamina's nursery - and back to the ever-changing room in the aforementioned haunted house..

"Mozart's melody is - detached from any earthly form - the thing in itself, hovering like Plato's Eros between heaven and earth, between mortal and immortal - freed from the 'will' - the deepest penetration of the artistic imagination, of the unconscious, into the last secrets, into the realm of the 'primal images'." (Richard Strauss)

Mozart's Zauberflöte, largely composed between spring and autumn 1791, was premiered at the Freihaustheater auf der Wieden in Vienna. The libretto for the opera was written by Emanuel Schikaneder, the impresario of the theater,

who also played the role of Papageno. In his Magic Flute libretto, Schikaneder was guided by the prevailing suburban theater custom, combining elements of various fairy tales with well-known musical theater material of his time. Thus individual

Influences from the intellectual world of the Freemasons, the Egyptian and the popular and mysterious can be found. The first performance of Die Zauberflöte in today's Vienna State Opera took place on September 1, 1869 - the opera had previously been considered for the opening of the opera house on May 25, 1869. Die Zauberflöte motifs can also be found in the decoration of the building - for example in the frescoes of the Schwind loggia.

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In addition, a fixed contingent of standing room tickets is available for regular evening performances from 80 minutes before the start of the performance at our standing room box office (Operngasse entrance).

Our operas are sung in the original languages - these vary depending on the work.

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About Your Visit


The cloakrooms are located next the the entrances at the Operngasse. You can find additional cloakrooms on the left and right side of the balcony and the gallery and in the boxes. All cloakrooms are free of charge.

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We kindly ask you to arrive on time for the performances. Latecomers can only be admitted during the intermission. After the intermission, re-entry will not be possible.

Food and Drink

Our gastronomy opens at the same time entry is permitted. You can enjoy some snacks and drinks before the performance starts or you can book a table for the break.

Practical Information

You can find more practical information regarding your visit (e.g. Dresscode, barrier-free-access, …) here.


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  • U27
  • Children's & youth tickets
  • BundestheaterCard
  • Ballet Bonus
  • Ö1-Club
  • Culture pass "Hunger for art and culture"
  • Disabled pass
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