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© Henry Fair

Varduhi Abrahamyan

Varduhi Abrahamyan comes from Armenia and studied at the Yerevan Conservatory. Engagements have taken her to major theaters such as the New York Met, the Paris Opéra, the Bolshoi, the Liceu in Barcelona, the Bavarian and Hamburg State Operas, Zurich, Geneva and Frankfurt. Her repertoire includes Carmen, Dalila, Bersi, Isabella (Lʼitaliana in Algeri), Maffio Orsini (Lucrezia Borgia), Cornelia (Giulio Cesare in Egitto), Bradamante (Alcina), Malcolm (La donna del Lago), Néris (Médée) Lydia Tchoukovskaïa (Akhmatova).

Events with Varduhi Abrahamyan

11. July 2024
18.30 - 21.00
1 intermission

Farinelli & Friends