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Stephanie Bäuerle

Stephanie Bäuerle graduated as a master tailor and state-certified fashion designer from the German Master School of Fashion in her hometown of Munich. From 2004 to 2006 she worked as a freelance garment mistress and costume assistant at the Zurich Opera House, the Hamburg State Opera and the Staatsoper Unter den Linden Berlin, among others. From 2006 she worked for the costume workshops of the Austrian Federal Theatres in Vienna, where she was responsible for more than 35 premieres and over 65 revivals until 2017. She worked for choreographers such as John Neumeier, Roland Petit, Pierre Lacotte, Vladimir Malakhov, Jorma Elo and with costume designers such as Luisa Spinatelli, Sandra Woodall or Holly Hynes and regularly supervised the New Year’s Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra as well as the Opera Ball. Since 2012, Stephanie Bäuerle has been working worldwide as a freelance costume designer, since 2019 she has been head of the costume department at the Salzburg Landestheater.

Events with Stephanie Bäuerle

21. May 2024
19.00 - 21.45
2 intermissions

Im siebten Himmel

24. May 2024
19.00 - 21.45
2 intermissions

Im siebten Himmel

31. May 2024
19.00 - 21.45
2 intermissions

Im siebten Himmel

03. June 2024
19.00 - 21.45
2 intermissions

Im siebten Himmel