
Unfortunately, the Vienna State Opera does not offer ideal conditions for accessibility due to the historical structure of the building. Nevertheless, it is important to us to enable visitors with reduced mobility to attend performances as smoothly as possible.

All our seats are accessible by elevator - barrier-free toilets are also available.

Separate wheelchair spaces are available for wheelchair users.

Wheelchair spaces

We have a total of 22 wheelchair spaces. Of these, four seats are located in the stalls and 18 seats (as required) in the gallery.

In the stalls, the wheelchair spaces are positioned on the left and right side of the auditorium, once at row 1 and once at row 14. The folding companion seats (for both the front and rear wheelchair spaces) are attached to the auditorium wall and are located at the height of rows 15-17. In the gallery, the folding companion seats are mounted on the auditorium wall directly behind the wheelchair spaces.

As we only have a limited number of wheelchair spaces, these must be reserved via our ticket store or our order office. If you would like to reserve a wheelchair space with us for the first time, you must first register with our order office.


Our wheelchair space discount gives a discount to wheelchair users.

If you are not dependent on a wheelchair, we offer a separate discount for people with disabilities.

If you have any questions about the discounts, please contact our booking office.


Barrier-free access to the building is located on the Herbert-von-Karajan-Platz side at the beginning of the arcades (swinging door, 87 cm wide).

You can reach the stalls or the elevator for the gallery via the inclined elevator in the opera foyer - the inclined elevator is located near the opera café.
The elevator to the gallery is located next to it (width 95 cm, depth 140 cm, door clearance 80 cm).
Checkrooms, break buffets and wheelchair-accessible toilets are located on both levels.

From the "Best in Parking Kärntnerstraße underground garage" (two disabled parking spaces) you can reach Herbert-von-Karajan-Platz via an elevator. The passageway from the garage to the opera house is opened upon admission - generally one hour before the event begins.
At the end of the event, as soon as the house is empty, this door is closed again.

Disabled parking spaces are currently available at Helmut Zilk Platz 1 and Walfischgasse 1 and 6.

Service dogs are permitted.

Guided tours

As our guided tours take place across several floors, we are unfortunately unable to offer barrier-free tours at the moment.