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Dance training

Ballet training at the Ballet Academy of the Vienna State Opera lasts 8 years and is completed with an own diploma.

In the school year 2023/2024 8 classes of girls and boys have lessons from Monday to Friday.

Entrance examinations for the school year 2024/25

1st grade

or children aged 9-10 years who will be attending grade 4 primary school in the school year 2024/25. The cost for the 1st grade entrance exam is € 75. Please find all further information regarding the application documents in the → Application form for grade 1.

Entrance examination for grade 1: 20 December, 2024 - Application possible at any time.
End of the application period: 01 December, 2024

From 2nd class

Admission from Grade 2 onwards takes place via a private audition. The Private Audition takes place in the form of several days of class participation in a school level appropriate to age and performance.

For the Private Audition you will receive a personal invitation after sending in the application documents and subsequent pre-selection by the management of the Ballet Academy of the Vienna State Opera. The costs for the entrance examination for the Private Audition from the 2nd grade amount to € 90,-. Please find all further information in the → Application form

Private Audition: 18 - 19 November, 2024 – for pupils of compulsory school age

Application Deadline: 4 November, 2024 – Subject to change without notice

Private Audition: 24 - 25 Febuary, 2024 – for pupils who are not of compulsory school age

Application Deadline: 5 Febuary, 2025 – Subject to change without notice

The tuition fees for students at the Ballet Academy are as follows:
- 1st and 2nd class: 310 Euro per semester
- 3rd and 4th class: 415 Euro per semester
- 5th to 8th class: 515 Euro per semester

We look forward to receiving your application. Please submit your application documents collectively and in a timely manner at

Preparatory course at the Ballet Academy of the Vienna State Opera for pupils of the 3rd and 4th grade of primary school

We are looking for young students who are enthusiastic about dance, who are currently in the 3rd or 4th grade of primary school and who are interested in ballet training.

when: during the school year, every Wednesday and Friday

from 04.15 p.m. to 05.45 p.m.

where: Ballet Academy of the Vienna State Opera, 1010 Vienna, Goethegasse 1, in the courtyard to the right

Cost: Euro 170,- per semester

Test preparatory course: 04 September, 2024
End of registration period: 28 August, 2024

A later entry is also possible, depending on the availability of free places.

Please contact if you are interested.

We kindly ask for your understanding that the number of places is limited.

Data sheet

Cooperation school:

Bundesrealgymnasium mit musischer Ausbildung, Boerhaavegasse 15, A- 1030 Wien

The cooperation between the Ballettakademie and the Bundesrealgymnasium with musical education, Vienna 3, Boerhaavegasse 15, is connected to the boarding school, which was founded in 1983, guarantees an optimal school education with Matura graduation. The cooperation enables school education for the lower school in the morning, and for the upper school in the afternoon.

BG & BRG Wien 3
A Boerhaavegasse 15, A-1030 Wien
T +43 1 713 44 23 oder +43 1 714 69 38 (Sekretariat)


The boarding school is affiliated with the BG & BRG Wien III Boerhaavegasse.

The students are supervised in groups, according to their age and the school requirements. A wide range of leisure activities (e.g. sports, theater and cinema visits, game nights, discussions, handicrafts, painting, making music, cooking, baking, etc.) is offered to coincide with their learning. On weekends, the caregivers are happy to organize the free time according to the children's wishes.

Fees: 10 monthly installments of € 480,- each.

Upon request of the parents, depending on their economic situation, reductions of the fee are possible. For further questions please contact the boarding school directly.

Website Boerhaavegasse

Working together with: 

Mittelschule Renngasse with musical-creative focus DLP- school

Through the middle school "die Renngasse", there is since September 2011 the possibility for the students of the Ballettakademie to complete the compulsory school (from 10 to 14 years).

NMS Renngasse    
A Renngasse 20, 1010 Wien
Mag. (FH) Franz Marischka, BEd
T: +43 1 533 00 45 211
F: +43 1 533 00 45 210